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A confession

I need to confess something to my friends and family (and anyone else) who reads this blog. I do not love the way I should. I am not horribly selfish(although, in truth I am) but I am certainly not unselfish the way Jesus was. You might respond to this by saying that Jesus was perfect and I cannot ever be perfect. But still God uses His people here on earth to show us what a life looks like when it is dedicated to Him. The life of Mother Theresa has and always will exhort me to live a life more dedicated to Jesus (and to think that one day I get to stand next to her and praise our Lord!). So I was reading about how Mother Theresa would go through the piles of donated shoes and choose the worst pair for herself. Years of this practive left her with knarled feet. I cannot imagine how much her feet must have ached after hours of walking from bed to bed in the hospital, yet she loved. And she loved unselfishly.
You might be thinking that this is a nice story, but how does it apply? Well, I was sitting on the micro on my way home the other day and I felt the Holy Spirit telling me to give my seat up to one of the other people. And I argued with Him, explaining that I had an hour and a half ride, and that my feet were so tired, and that I got on the bus first and therefore I deserved to sit in my seat. But the Holy Spirit softly reminded me that Jesus called us to love others before ourselves.
Therefore my prayer is:
Lord, give my body energy and my feet stregnth to stand on the mircos. And for the days when I have no energy, may I cling to you for stregnth. And somehow may I get to taste just a little of how much you love us.


Rach said…
te quiero mucho mi carina. Eres muy maravillosa!!!!! Mucho oraciones para ti sobre tu amor de otras personas (entiendes mi espanol malo?) :-) Ciao, nos vemos!
Anonymous said…
be reasonable! if there's an old lady, or a pregnant woman, or someone on crutches, yes, give up your seat. but you shouldn't feel compelled to sacrifice for everyone, especially with a 90-minute micro ride ahead of you.

beckalippy said…
Mom, while i appreciate your concern for my welfare, if Mother Theresa would have followed your advice, she would not have touched so many lives.
Anonymous said…
ok, continuing in mom mode...

if you take the same approach in other areas of your life, you will give away all your earnings to the poor, take off your shoes and give them to someone whose feet are poorly shod, give your coat to someone who has none, forgo doctor's appointments and dentist appointments so that someone poorer than you can go. Where do you draw the line?

All I was saying was to restrict the sacrifices you make to those who really need it (the pregnant women, old people, people on crutches). And even then, you need to be careful, as there are many many people who are truly needy. If you don't draw the line somewhere reasonable, you will be left with nothing for yourself. That will eventually cause you real harm. As a mother, it's hard to sit by silently and not say anything.
Anonymous said…
Foot cream and insoles! the gel ones!!

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