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highs and lows

So at Youth Group every week, if someone comes late they have to stand inthe middle of the circle and while turning in circles, they have to tell the group what their high and low of the week was. I have gone to this group since March, basically every friday and I have been on time once. So always get teh pleasure of sharing my high and low of the week. Usually this is easy for me to do. I just pick something good and something bad from my over packed week and share it in my broken spanish. But last night (I was only 7 minutes late last night, woo hoo!), I honestly couldn't think of anything to share. That is just how boring my week has been.
a few of the ordinary but nice parts of my week:
Monday- I got to hang out with a buddy Susan who is from the States but married a Chileno.
Tuesday- (I no longer teach tuesday nights) AShlee and I made a delicious curry dinner together and then walked to Dunkin Donuts for some hot chocolate and incredibly sweet Bible study. Topic for the night 1 Peter 4, Suffering, are we?
Wednesday- Work as usual and Tim and Sallys house for babysitting
Thursday- I got to my class in La Dehesa (where the rich and famous live) an hour early and decided that instead of waiting in the cold for an hour, I would walk inthe cold for an hour. So i did and it was so beautiful. The houses are built right up along this creek and behind them is a mountain. so I put on my ipod (thanks mom!) and started walking. Really pretty stuff.
Friday- Rach came with me to work and Renca. Those Renca kids are just too cute. And after been brainwashed by my employers in the States to never affectionatly touch a kid (way too much lawsuit liability), it is really nice to get kisses on the check from these kids and just to hug them and love them. Sad story- one of the little girls named Rosa who has had cencer for a few years is having an operation this week. Please keep her in prayer.
After youth group, Ashlee and I convinced some of the peeps from the group to come with us to a Tango bar to watch old people dance Tango... unfortunatly, that was a flop. The tango bar was full and the hostess was a bit upset that all these youth (remember anything under 25 is youth) came in. We were told to be quiet in a very patronizing way and we just left. We went to a bar called the Phone Box Pub where an Elvis impersonator was performing. There were about 10 of us and Iwould have to say that the group was quite pleasent.
Anyways, that is a little taste of my week, fairly uneventful... but thats okay.


Rach said…
estoy en tu casa AHORA!!! YAY!!!!
hi becka.. now i have a blog..

's requetecontra-fome, but anyway.. i don`pt think i'll be writing much..

Unknown said…
Hey Becks... check out the Blog:

Very good stuff.

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