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Showing posts from March, 2007

Please be Patient

Hello everyone! I'm sorry this blog has been so poorly updated recently, but with moving back here I have such little time on my hands. For those of you who read this blog often, please check back every now and then. I will try to start up again at some point but it probably won't be for another few weeks. Thanks so much for all your support!

Welcome back

This post will need to be extremely short and I apologize for that, but it is about 5am to me and I haven't seemed to really have a night of sleep for 3 days now. But i am back In california and I am sad, yet feeling so blessed. Every step I ahve taken since I left Chile has been one of faith, and yet teh Lord has filled my heart with peace and joy and everytime I have started to cry, I feel the Lord sit with me patiently as I grieve before He moves me forward again. Thank you for your prayers. I promise to write more prontito!