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a Re-cap

Sp I have been floja and I haven't written anything down in here for a while. So here we go...

Thursday- went to work at CEP again (that is the sweet theological library job I wrote about earlier) and I love it. I love having those four hours in the morning to deal with the books. Tim told me about a website for a library in Brazil that might help, so I looked it up and was really impressed that I could understand enough portuguese to get around the site. That night we went out to pizza. The party included: AShlee, Paula (our roommate), Nathan the Kiwi, Sally the Aussie, Susan the Yankee, and me the wannabe chilena. We went out for NY Pizza and ended up sitting around for about 3 hours just talking. Poor Nathan had to endure a lot of girl talk, but he was a good sport about it.

Friday- The school in Reñca had a party to celebrate the end of the semestre. We had tons of candy for the kids, fresh made empanadas for lunch followed by a HUGE cake and even a piñata! The kids were so cute and had so much fun, I am sure they will talk about the party for the next two weeks while they are on winter vacation! Friday night we went out to Gringolandia (I call a certain mall gringolandia because I forget what country I am in when i see TGIFridays, and Benihannas, and Big Al's Steakhouse, and Starbucks, and...) So anyways, we went to a restaurant called Waffle and Crepes and ate dessert. Then we moved the party down to the bowling alley and competed to see which country was the best at bowling (represented countries: Argentina, Germany, USA, New Zealand, and I represented Chile- not really) Anyways, Ashlee bowled 4 strikes in a row so the good ol' US of A won that competition.

Saturday- The youth group at our church had its first Girls NIght (Noche de Chicas) for this semestre. Ashlee and I hosted the Night at our place and made some yummy speghetti and salad. AShlee even baked fresh cookies for us (as opposed to baking non fresh cookies?? Don't ask me). We had a little Bible study on John and the basics of what it means to be a follower in Christ, to believe and live the Gospel. Then we watched an extremely romantic chick flick and headed off to bed. TI was so cool to get to serve the girls in our group like that. In the morning we ate pancakes and walked off to church together.

Sunday- after church (Paula and Yessy came with us!) Ashlee and I went over to Birgits (our old German roommate) house for some yummy yummy lasagna. I call her the German MArtha Stewart, but it is so true, ,she is amazing with anything domestic. Our dinner lasted about 3 and a half hours. When we finally came home, Paula's mother and daughter had arrived for a visit from Talca (about 2 hours away). They will be staying here with us for a few weeks, so we have a completely full house now.

So that is my recap of the last few days... All in al the last few days have been super fun but I am ready for a change of pace. Vamos a Ver!!


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